What’s new ✨
- Plugins
+ Discord: Listens for
and the new SBPP_OnReportPlayer() natives and forwards it to the designated Discord webhook with PR #420 -
+ Report: Uses the new SBPP_ReportPlayer() to insert reports into the
table, reachable viaAdmin Panel -> Bans -> Ban submissions
with PR #408 closing #407 -
Main: Now whenever a banned client joins, it will mend the
column with the corresponding value if the column is previously empty with PR #406 closing issue #187 -
Checker: Now supports communication ban lookup & verbose for communication bans upon connect with PR #398 closing #188
Sleuth: Added
convars to allow the exclusion of old permanent ban entries with PR #356 closing #352
Breaking Changes 💥
- Native Namespace Change: For SourceBans++ to not clash with the original SourceBans, we needed to change the include file from
and change all the calls & forwards to be prefixed withSBPP
with PR #415 closing #414 - Along with the new SourceQuery library, it also added a dependency: GMP extension
Changes 🎨
- Available ban time length has been moved to
config file instead of being hard coded with PR #349
Performance ⚡
- CServerInfo has been replaced with xPaw’s SourceQuery library for a better querying performance with PR #360
Bug Fixes 🐛
Steam community OpenID HTTPS protocol 0d9ef4b
Users unable to change account password with PR #324 closing issue #323
PHP 7 Smarty deprecation warnings has been addressed with PR #387 and #399 closing issue #368 and #382
Session mutes/gags not being reapplied when a client disconnect with PR #384 closing issue #309
Improper timezone calculation & mess with PR #363 closing issue #362
Ban reason being double encoded with PR #342 closing issue #341
Admin and target being invalid inside SourceComms forward with PR #338 and #330
HackingReason menu not cleaned when config reads from scratch with PR #349
Group ban capping to 1000 members (Steam pagination) with PR #337 addressing #299
Server list hostname display with PR #364
Bans and comms page ajax call with PR #365
Client X is not in game
has been addressed with PR #392 -
as optional native with PR #388